Tips To Coping With Cancer

The Smothie Cleanse

A diagnosis of cancer is utterly devastating. Once the initial shock wears off, however, you’ve got some serious thinking to do. Let the following tips help you prepare and help you prevail.

1. Try and get regular exercise. Physical activity is always good for you and now more than ever, you need your body strong. Get the go-ahead from your doctor and begin a specific exercise routine that will empower and prepare you for upcoming treatment. The stronger you are going into it, the more energy you will have to fight. Make exercise fun and sociable too, and use it to alleviate stress.

2. East sensibly. As much as you might be inclined toward so-called “comfort” foods, you need to eat a well-balanced, organic and nutritious diet. Look for power foods like flax-seed and omega-3 fatty oils. Get yourself a good cookbook that helps you prepare such foods in a highly palatable way.

3. Adhere to your doctor’s orders. Whatever advice you are given by your health care professionals, follow it. Adopt every positive practice that you can and incorporate the highest standards of health into your life. All treatments will have more success the healthier you are in both mind and body; take every measure available to get in the best shape you can.

Tips To Coping With Cancer

4. Do fun things to keep your mood positive. Staying indoors and alone are not healthy and do nothing for your optimism. Get outside with people you love and do things that keep you smiling. A positive attitude can get you much further along in life than a negative one and a good outlook will reflect in your health. Make sure by the end of each day that you have other things on your mind than cancer and that you have things to look forward to tomorrow.

5. If you live by yourself, get a pet. Animals are proven to help in the health and wellness department and they are a positive addition to any household. Visit your local animal shelter and rescue one. The love and affection you get will make you feel good each and every day and having someone to look after can provide you with a much needed distraction. Make sure the animal is low-maintenance and in good health.

6. Reach out to family. No matter what the condition of your family relations, this is a time to come together. Talk to your relatives and let them help you in any way possible. Accept rides to the doctor or offers to help you pick up around the house, yard or with meal preparation. Reducing your workload can help tremendously and the presence of family should lighten and brighten your mood.

7. Do your own research. Cancer is too scary not to find out everything you can; study what kind you have and scour the Internet for treatment options, case studies and different scenarios that can either educate you further or offer new possibilities. Especially look for survivors and find out how they did it and how you can do it. Contact them for personal advice and inspiration. Ignorance is not always bliss; be your own best advocate and lead the way with your treatment.

You have no choice but to fight! Arm yourself with knowledge and surround yourself with sources of positive energy; they are your best weapons against this dreadful disease.

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