Author Archives: John

Stay Fit by Eating Small Healthy Meals Frequently

Eating small frequent meals is the best way to nourish our bodies and stay healthy. Let me tell you why that is so. When we eat, our body takes the carbohydrates in our food and converts them into blood sugar called glucose. The level of glucose in our blood is what makes us feel full…

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Eating To Help Maximize Your Fitness Goals

Fitness and nutrition go hand-in-hand. You really cannot have one without the other. What and when you eat can have a big effect on how you are feeling when you exercise. This can be whether it is a serious competition or just a casual work out. The intensity and duration of whatever activity you choose…

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Why Fitness Is Important

Your heart is the most important muscle in your body as it ensures the operation of all the other organs and elements in your body through blood flow. Normally, an adult’s heart beats between 60 to 80 times per minute. You can measure your heart rate now by placing your forefinger and middle finger on…

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How To Enhance Your Fitness Level

Your level of fitness is predetermined by many factors, however, that does not mean that you do not have an active influence on your own physique. You can easily turn your body into a fit and toned machine by following specific ways to get into the best shape of your life. That being said, it…

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