Author Archives: Maxx

These Meals Will Make Dieting 10x Easier!

Okay, maybe ten times is hyperbole… but it got your attention right? Seriously though, sometimes the trick to sticking to a diet more effectively is just knowing the right meals and combinations of foods that you can enjoy in order to save yourself time in the kitchen while keeping your diet nutritious and low in…

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How to Bulk With Your Diet

When it comes to the diet, everyone has different goals. Just as some of us focus on losing weight and becoming leaner, others are more interested in building mass and growing in size. This is what we call ‘bulking’. Bulking also happens to be much easier for some people than it is for others. If…

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The Social Aspect of Dieting and Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight and getting into shape, there is one thing that matters more than any other aspect of your new diet. And that one thing is ‘adherence’. Adherence is essentially just the technical term that describes how well you are able to stick to the diet rules you’ve set yourself. Do…

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The Secret Power of CBT for Clean Eating

One of the hardest parts of eating clean is turning down the tasty snacks that you know are bad for you. You don’t have to starve yourself of course or eat all that strictly. There’s nothing wrong with a nice pasta dish packed with vegetables and meats… But what you should avoid is that massive…

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Why Bread and Milk Are Not the Enemy

If you’re looking to lose weight and improve your health, then one of the first things you need to do is to choose from the huge amount of different diet plans out there. Essentially, you need to decide who you’re going to listen to and what theory of weight loss you want to subscribe to!…

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A New Way to Think About Healthy Food

When you think of ‘healthy’ food, what do you think of? For many of us, this doesn’t exactly bring to mind a gourmet meal. Instead, you might think of healthy foods as being those typical ‘low fat’ sandwiches or crisps that have had all the moisture sucked out of them. Maybe you think of bread…

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The Power of Walking a Little Bit

Losing weight should never be the sole aim of any diet. Your diet is what sustains you and it is what your body uses to rebuild tissue, flesh and even brain matter. In other words, if you aren’t eating right then you won’t be performing right either. That should be the priority. Still though, many…

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