Caring and Handling a Crested Gecko

Crested Gecko Secret Manual

Crested Gecko comes from a group of small islands called “New Caledonia” which are on the east side of the Australian coast. It has become popular as a pet in recent times and many rate it as one of the best pet lizards to bring home.

Not only do the geckos have striking appearance but there are many characteristics which make them appealing to owners. Geckos are quick to change their color as the surrounding demands. You should not be surprised to see them “fire up” at different times of day. These color changes are interesting to watch. Throughout the day, your gecko may change colors ranging from dull brown to bright orange to even “fiery” red.

Crested geckos are arboreal species and love climbing. They are fond of small trees and shrubs and like to move around freely. You will find your gecko feeding on both insects and plant material as they are omnivores in nature.

An interesting fact you need to know before brining a gecko home is that they look for places to hide and mostly sleep during the day. They are active during the night and set out to explore their habitat which is great fun for both adults and kids.

Pet geckos love to jump and play around so it is advisable that you give them a large space for the purpose. They will make excellent use of the sticky pads on their paws and walk around the enclosure base and ceilings.

Before you bring a crested gecko home, you need to be familiar with a few handling tips. Crested geckos need large enclosures to move around and this also helps them grow and stay healthy. If you want to house more than one gecko, you should keep only one male gecko in a single enclosure. About five females can be housed in a single large enclosure with one male gecko but more than one male gecko should be avoided.

More than one male geckos in the same enclosure do not get along very well with each other especially if female geckos are around. If you do so, it can lead to a fight which can turn violent and harm the other geckos. You can house a single gecko and if you house a group, make sure they are about the same size to keep away intimidation and injury.

Crested geckos are considered to be the easiest lizards to handle. Fifteen to twenty minutes of daily handling is good enough. You should avoid touching your pet lizard too often as it can stress the gecko. Your gecko loves to climb so you can simply hold your hand in front of the gecko and wait for it to jump or hop on your hand. You can change your hands and enjoy your time with your pet.

Keep in mind that sometimes crested geckos may jump or hop suddenly and even try to bite. You need to be extra careful when kids are around. Although crested geckos allow gentle handling they may drop their tails if they feel threatened. This can happen if the lizard is squeezed or its tail is pinched. Once a crested gecko loses its tail, it does not grow back. You should always wash your hands before and after you handle your pet or clean the enclosure.

This information should be enough to get you started with your pet and keep it healthy and happy.

Crested Gecko Care Guide