Category Archives: Coping With Stress

Dealing With the Stress of Eldercare

Frustration is an emotion that those caring for their aged loved ones often experience, but it’s only one of many such emotions. Resentment, anger, and grief are other emotions that caregivers feel. You might feel resentment at all of the changes in your life – anger from feeling helpless to stop your parent’s diminishing health…

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Are You a Member of the Sandwich Generation?

Being a caretaker to children is a big responsibility. It can be stressful at times and that stress can show up in your body physically. Add being a caretaker to an elderly parent and that stress compounds. Thanks to the longevity of the elder generation, more adult children are choosing to step in and become…

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A Caregiver’s Guide To Coping With Stress

Caring for the elderly, whether complete strangers or those related to you, can be extremely rewarding. The sense of satisfaction can be immense. However, the down side of caring is that it can be extremely frustrating and upsetting for all parties concerned, especially for the carer. Until you have actually been through it yourself you…

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