Author Archives: Adalynn

How to Build Leg Muscle

Learning to build leg muscle can be more difficult than learning about biceps, which the beginner seems obsessed with. If you have the desire to build a balanced healthy and strong body, then leg work will form a crucial part of that. Here we show you how to build leg muscle. Tip 1 There is…

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Hip Flexors – The Most Underdeveloped Muscle Group In Strength Training

Despite their importance to a wide range of athletic and sporting activities, the hip flexors are the most neglected major muscle group in strength training. It is very rare to find training programs that include hip flexor exercises. By contrast there is usually a great deal of emphasis on exercises for the leg extensors. There…

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Aerobic Activity

The term aerobic means “with oxygen.” During an aerobic activity , the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart, lungs and blood vessels, responds to physical activity by increasing the oxygen that is available to the body’s working muscles. Aerobic activity involves an exercise routine that uses large muscle groups, is maintained for a long periods…

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