Oily Skin – How You Get It

Oily skin is a phenomenon that tens of thousands of different people living in the world are familiar with…

Beauty Food Bible

What Soaps Are Good for Oily Skin

The next time you head to you mirror and detect that annoying sheen, you may want to consider a different facial cleanser. With so many of these products on the market, which one will meet your needs and control the oil that continues to seep from your pores? Allouette makes a clarifying facial wash that could very well end your oily skin worries. This product is specially designed for oily skin or skin affected by acne. This…

More Than Skin Deep

Most women are naturally vain about their looks. As a matter of fact, the cosmetic industry has become a billion-dollar business due to vanity or over-emphasized value attached to physical beauty. This business is all about how to enhance, modify, and improve a woman’s appearance. Beauty products of all shapes and sizes, to be used from head to toe, are sold to meet the demands of an aesthetically-conscious female market. Of all the body parts of a…

Acne and Oily Skin

Acne is a real cosmetic problem. Many of the acne patients sometimes feel that they would never get rid of acne. With latest treatments, if you have patience, you can treat your acne successfully. But what if you also have oily skin? Oily Skin- What is it? Our skin has sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum. This sebum keeps our skin well moisturized and protects skin from microbial infections. The sebum is mainly made of lipids and…

Facts About Oily Skin Care

To start the discussion on oily skin care, it’s imperative to first understand the cause behind oily skin. Put simply, oily skin is a result of excessive production of sebum (an oily substance that is naturally produced by skin). As is known to everyone, excess of everything is bad; so excessive sebum is bad too. It leads to clogging of skin pores, resulting in accumulation of dead cells and hence formation of pimples/acne. Moreover, oily skin spoils…