Street Defense Training - The Street Fight Academy

Self Defense Pepper Spray – Why It Is So Effective

When it comes to non lethal self defense weapons pepper spray is right up there at the top of popularity for two main reasons: ease of use and effectiveness. How It Works Pepper spray uses Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) which comes from cayenne pepper. Defensive pepper sprays are measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHU’s) a common measure of a products’ “hotness”. A jalapeno pepper has an SHU of 5000, a habanero pepper 300,000 and a typical pepper spray…

Self Defense and Psychological Preparedness

Being psychologically prepared is critical for self defense during an assault in the street. It is very important to be ready to repel the assailant (assailants) using all the means you have. Note that even being in not very good physical shape these means could be quite sufficient to disable your enemy (enemies). For example, if you wear hard sharp-toe shoes, then kicking your enemy in groin or shank with the toe of such shoe (even if…

Martial Arts Training More Than Just Self Defense

According to the FBI, four women die everyday as a result of domestic violence and about 130,000 women report that they’ve been victims of rape or attempted rape annually. Because of statistics like this, many women enroll in self-defense classes to learn the skills they need to defend themselves. The thing is, a short-term self-defense class may not address all of the areas you need to be able to fully defend yourself. While martial arts classes won’t…

How to Make Your Self Defense Training More Effective

You take with you in combat all the good and bad habits that you learned in your training routine. If your tactics in your training consist of high fancy kicks, wide movements, which require you to have a lot of room you will instinctively do the same when your adrenaline kicks in a street confrontation. That will seriously hinder you if you are fighting for survival in a confined area with furniture around such as a living…