Author Archives: Jeff

Make Your Home Affordable With Green Living

There is no single prototype for living green. Lowering energy bills is the best way to increase long-term affordability of home ownership. Some builders create smaller spaces with a luxury feel or rustic Santa Fe style adobe housing. The quest to lower electric bills increases the foreign market for solar and wind energy. It is…

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Wireless Home Automation System, How It Works

If you think that living in a home where everything is controlled by a single control panel or a single remote control including your electronic appliances is purely science fiction and can only be seen in movies, you have to think again. You have to consider the fact that a remote or even a television…

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Lights On and Off by Home Automation Inc.

The boom of new technology has affected the world in many aspects. This brought drastic changes to the lives of many people; but most of these changes are for the betterment of their lives. You have advanced technology to thank for the many comforts that you can now experience. You experience new technology everyday from…

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Home Automation Business, Light Dimming Systems Works Wonder

In the past decades, home automation is considered as a trend of the elites. Today, the need for home automation is very common. Home automation business are simple terms which defines something that gives home owners automatic or remote control operation over their electronic devices at home. Controlling also means interfacing these electronic systems into…

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