How to Create High Quality Written Content

High Ticket Authority eBook

When selling high ticket items, it’s absolutely paramount that what you’re selling should be the very top quality. Not only will this be apparent in your marketing but it will also ensure that you don’t get people asking for refunds or bad-mouthing your product.

Your aim is to get as many positive testimonials as you can. Not only will this help you sell more copies but it will give you the confidence in your product that you need to carry on. That and it is a horrible feeling to think that you’re selling something that isn’t worth the money you’re charging.

So how do you go about making sure your product is high quality? That all depends on what type of product you’re creating. If you’re creating a written product such as an email course or an ebook, then the specifics are going to be very different from if you’re selling a seminar, a workshop or an online video course.

Here are some tips that will help you to ensure the written aspect is as high quality as possible.

Learn to Write

The actual content of what you’re writing needs to seem professional and high quality. You don’t need to be Shakespeare but you can’t have a book that is filled with typos and mistakes. Make sure that what you write is proof read at least a few times and spend some time learning how to structure sentences etc.

Include Exclusive Ideas

No one wants to pay $2,000 for an ebook that just regurgitates information you found online. You need to ensure that what you’re selling is exclusive content and exclusive ideas that they can’t find anywhere else. This means you need to bring something new to the table such as an idea or technique no one else has thought of. If that means surveying experts, so be it!


Also highly important of course is the way that you’re going to format your content. What’s crucial is that your copy look professional and that means it needs to use the right fonts, it needs to be adorned with high quality images and it needs to be well laid-out with a table of contents, page numbers etc.

You can do a lot of this using Word. Get the latest version and you can use the Styles box to use attractive headers etc. and References to auto-generate a table of contents based on those headings.

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