Author Archives: Kali

Time to Make a Paleo Diet Plan

When you’re getting started with this new way of eating, it really helps to have a plan. How you plan depends on what works best for you. But at the very least you should have a weekly meal plan. This makes it easy to know what you’re going to eat for your meals rather than…

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Seek Support and Keep Going

When you’re trying to overhaul your lifestyle, it can be tough to go it alone. Seek someone to go on this journey with you and get a little support. If you don’t have any friends or family members who want to try Paleo, you can always join online support groups. It can really help to…

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Preparing Your Pantry

One of the first things you need to do is prepare your pantry and kitchen for the Paleo diet. That means getting rid of anything that’s processed or includes grains. If you’re not ready to throw out food and waste it, consider donating it to a food bank. At the very least, if you don’t…

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Make a List of Go-To Convenience Foods

Even the most prepared people find that sometimes they’re out and about, hungry, and don’t have any snacks on them. Keep a list on your phone, in your purse, or in your wallet of snacks that will work and are convenient. Some ideas include deli meat, bananas, apples, beef jerky, nuts, hard boiled eggs, and…

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Overcoming Paleo Challenges

While in many ways, this program is simple to follow, it’s not without its challenges. The greatest challenge comes from not having the ability to run into the gas station or a typical fast food restaurant when you need a convenient bite to eat. You’ll be eliminating processed foods and for some people, that takes…

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Cook Once, Eat for a Week

When you’re eating using the Paleo lifestyle, you may find that you’re cooking a lot more than you once did. But weeknights, it can be tough to cook after a long day of work, errands, and obligations. One way to beat this problem is to cook once for the entire week. And some people even…

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An Easy to Follow Plan

While you’ll have to make some big changes, this diet is actually one of the least difficult to follow in many ways. First, you don’t have to count anything. You won’t need to track any calories, carbs, protein grams, or points. You also don’t have to worry about eating at specific times or following any…

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Yummy Paleo Approved Foods!

Remember that list above of approved foods? We’re talking hamburgers, steak, pork, bison, lamb, duck, turkey, chicken and more! Bacon, baby! The world is better with bacon! Grass-fed if you can. After all, meat with a bunch of added chemicals sort of defeats the purpose of the Paleo diet, don’t you think? Seafood includes fish…

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What Exactly Is The Paleo Diet?

If you don’t know what the Paleo diet is or you’ve never heard of it before, no worries – within this first chapter, we’re going to explore exactly what this way of eating is all about. At its core, Paleo is a lot more lifestyle than it is a diet. A Paleo lifestyle is about…

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The Basics of Paleo Diet

Before you can get started with the Paleo Diet, it’s important that you understand some of the basics about this program. Paleo is short for Paleolithic. This diet is also sometimes called the Cave Man Diet. That’s because the premise of this program is that you eat like your ancestors who lived during prehistoric times.…

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